Saturday 4 February 2012

I'm a Virgin.

Calm down people. I'm not an actual virgin. (Sorry Mum.) I'm a BLOG virgin. Goodness me I am excited. For years I have read a number of blogs, and never actually written my own. Well here I go. Losing my virginity at the grand old age of 22.

I finally decided to go ahead and create a blog when my friends Roy and Rachel persuaded me to do so. After showing me a number of blogs they enjoy reading on a regular basis (some of which I am now also reading on a regular basis) I thought, "I could do that! Mine probably won't be as funny... or as interesting... but I could do that!"

My friend Rachel's blog (go ahead and enjoy it, it's far better than mine will ever be: also got me thinking about what I would like my blog to be called, how I would like it to look, and also how I would like it to be perceived. Well, first of all, I have always loved writing, and that is mainly what this blog will be based on - writing about anything and everything. Of course it will contain other visually delicious treats for you all such as the odd video or photograph, but the basis of this blog is going to be writing. I say that now, but for the past few minutes I have been writing ABOUT writing, so maybe I'm not as good at this as I originally thought. 

Secondly, I have been considering a number of names for my blog over the past few days and believe me, had some absolutely incredible ideas ('Rachel's Blog' was the number one contender for about fifteen minutes) and eventually decided on "I'm Smarter Than You Think". This is simply taken from one of my favourite quotes:

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.” 
― A.A. Milne

Yes my favourite quote is from Winnie the Pooh. Got something to say about that? Yes? YES? No?! Didn't think so. 

I thought that name would be appropriate for my blog, as throughout my life (I know what you're all thinking: "Oh bloody hell, here she goes...") I have always had a slight suspicion that people believe I am somewhat unintelligent. Yes, I received nine average grades in my GCSEs. Yes, I received three (slightly below) average grades in my A Levels. And don't even ask what I got in my degree because I won't tell you. But the point is that I HAVE A DEGREE. However, in my opinion, qualifications don't mean that much unless they are absolutely outstanding achievements which, admittedly, mine were not. Despite this, I have always felt that my intellect has been underestimated by numerous members of my family and even a few of my friends. 

Thirdly, I thought "Shall I write a blog about my life? Or about tea and coffee? Or about the lack of jobs for young people in the UK? Or about fashion? Or about music? Or about photography? Or about relationships? Or about books? Or about movies? Or about losing people we love? Or about sport?...." and as you can guess, the list in my head went on and on and ON... until I realised I could just write about ALL OF THESE THINGS. Truthfully, one thing I have never done before (seriously...NEVER.) is share my writing with my friends and family. Yes, I have had the odd poem published in the past (my poems are published in books which I have buried in the deep dark depths of my childhood bedroom) and yes, I have updated my Facebook status countless times and Tweeted 4,618 times to date. But apart from that, my writing has never actually gone public before. And here we are.

Admittedly, I am slightly mortified that my first blog is about the fact that I am writing my first blog. Although I am somewhat impressed with myself for extending this subject further than four sentences. I am also finding it rather ironic now that my blog is named "I'm Smarter Than You Think". Congratulations if you have even read this far. I promise the next one will be better.

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